The Power of Nature: A Ten Thousand Square Meter Painting in Beijing 

18th May 2018 (自然的力量: 一万平米作品在北京)

The Power of Nature was a happening, a ritual, and an exhibition of Spirit Above All carried out at the Workers’ Stadium in Beijing. It was the first full-display of the near 10,000m 2painting after its return from rural Tibetan areas to the urban environment, and an important continuation of this series of work. The exhibition also recalls institutional and collective memories inherent to the Workers’ Stadium, a monumental public sphere with unique cultural significance in Beijing and China, and thereby the most appropriate exhibition venue for the enormous painting Spirit Above All.

Video Footage: 03’25" documentary of the day-long exhibition VIMEO :
Exhibition View at the Workers’ Stadium in Beijing, 2018
The lights in the stadium were switched on, creating a different sense of ritual in the urban setting.